You are here: BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator's Guide > Creating and maintaining vaults > Configuring the AMFS server > Mapping a drive

Mapping a drive

Mapping a drive letter on the Meridian Enterprise server to a vault location makes it possible to share the drive with network users. The users may then access documents in that location with Windows Explorer and not require Meridian software. Sharing a mapped drive can be configured either during the mapping process from within the New Drive Wizard, or later from the Shares list as described in Creating a share. Users can access the drive by name in a URL or map a drive letter of their own computers to the share as usual.

Note    Meridian vault security that has been set on folders will override any security set on the share through Windows. This prevents unauthorized access to documents. Because Meridian enforces many more security privileges than Windows does, the resulting behavior in Windows Explorer may not be intuitive to users. In this respect, using Windows Explorer as a Meridian client should only be considered for read-only purposes, and has very limited functionality.

Tip    A mapped drive is sometimes useful for performing administrative or programming tasks since the contents of the drive’s location can be accessed with the operating system’s command-prompt commands.

To map a drive to a vault location:

  1. In Meridian Enterprise Administrator, expand AMFS Server in the left pane and select Drives. The existing mapped drives are listed in the right pane.
  2. From the Action menu, point to New and select Drive. The New Drive Wizard appears.
  3. Click Next. The What to Map page appears.
  4. Click Browse and select a vault or work area to map and click OK.
  5. Click Next. The Where to Map page appears.
  6. Select a drive letter on the server computer and click Next. The Share the Path page appears.
  7. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Vault drive mapping options
Option Description

Do not share this drive

Does not share the new drive letter.

Share this drive

Shares the drive letter using the following options.

Share name

Type a descriptive name for the share, for example, the vault or work area name.


Type an optional comment describing the source and purpose of the share, if desired.

Maximum allowed

Limits the number of users that can connect to the share to the maximum allowed for the operating system version.

Allow n Users

Limits the number of users that can connect to the share to the selected number.


NTFS file permissions do not affect the share. Permissions are controlled by the Meridian roles assigned to the mapped vault location.

  1. Click Next. The Completing the New Drive Wizard page appears.
  2. Confirm the settings shown and click Finish. The new drive appears in the list of mapped drives. The Mapped to column shows the drive as Not mapped.
  3. Select the new drive and on the Action menu, point to All Tasks and select Start Drive. The Mapped to column changes to This AMFS context. That is, the location shown in the Address column.

Related concepts

Configuring the AMFS server

Understanding file filters

Related tasks

Creating a share